Happy Festivus, Comrades.
December 23 marks the annual celebration of Festivus, a fake holiday devoted to openly revealing personal animosities and proving through physical competition that might makes right.
In other words, a senseless alternative to Christmas from now-defunct tv show Seinfeld, whose creator admitted it was a show about nothing. But it wasn't about nothing. Seinfeld was a weekly display of horrible people exhibiting some of the worst aspects of human nature, especially selfishness and deceit.
So why would anyone want to celebrate Festivus? Because it's Christmas turned upside down, abandoning good will, gift-giving, joy, hope for peace, family unity, and the birth of a divine savior.
In other words, Festivus is the perfect secular, humanist, atheist and Satanic holiday, and it's primary symbol—the Festivus Pole—embodies the emptiness of an anti-Christmas with no Christ, no Christianity and no thought of an authority higher than the self.
Statistics: Posted by Colonel Obyezyana — 12/23/2023, 7:54 am